Are you prepared?
When the mission field comes to you, can you answer these questions?
Why should I believe the Bible?
Did God use the Big Bang? Why should I care?
Is Jesus really God?
Are Mormons and Jehovah’s Witnesses Christians?
Was there really a global flood?
What do I do when science and the Bible contradict each other?
You can do this.

“I truly enjoyed reading ‘Jesus Is Not the Answer to Every Sunday School Question.’ I was fascinated as Dan recounted each lesson, the questions his students asked, and the terrific responses he offered to them. Dan is obviously a gifted apologist, and this well-written introduction to apologetics and theology offers a lot for people to learn from.”
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“Though I was raised in church, my parents never taught me how to intelligently, articulately, and compassionately defend my faith to those who do not share my beliefs. I learned more about that topic during Dan’s 60-minute presentation on apologetics than I did going to church and Sunday School my entire life.”
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Painless Apologetics
A biblical apologetics blog for those lacking pocket protectors and fancy titles