Apologetics for "Normal" People
You don't have to have a Ph.D., or be an expert debater–that's not what apologetics is about.
In these books, you'll see how I've taken the essential truths of Christianity and communicated them in a way that is understandable by anyone from 6th grade to their 6th decade of life.
In each chapter, I invite you into my Sunday school class so you can experience the questions and conversations I've had with my students, and hopefully you'll walk away with some inspiration for how you, too, can not only convey a biblical Christian worldview to the students under your care, but teach them to give a biblical defense of it as well.
“I believe that children, parents, ministers, missionaries, public school teachers, and Sunday school teachers can and will benefit from this material if they are willing to invest the time to work through it.”
Book 1: Foundations
Every year, I hold up my Bible and ask the kids, "Who here believes the Bible?" Of course, they all raise their hands. Then I ask them, "Why?" Then the crickets come out.
Foundations examines evidences for the reliability of Scripture and provides reasons that we can believe the Bible. Then we open it up and start at Genesis 1:1...
Table of Contents
- Welcome to Class
- The First Day of Class
- Why Should Anyone Believe the Bible? Part 1*
- Why Should Anyone Believe the Bible? Part 2*
- Why Should Anyone Believe the Bible? Part 3*
- Why Should Anyone Believe the Bible? Part 4*
- What is a "Beginning"?
- When Was the Beginning? Part 1 The Genealogies of Genesis 5 and 11
- When Was the Beginning? Part 2 Closing Two Gaps
- When Was the Beginning? Part 3 Yôm, Yôm, Yôm
- When Was the Beginning? Part 4 What Jesus Taught
- Did God Use the Big Bang? Part 1
- Did God Use the Big Bang? Part 2
- Why All the Fuss Over the Age of the Earth?
- The Problems with Distant Starlight
- Six Reasons "Millions of Years" Can't Be True
Once we're done with the word "beginning", we move onto the fourth word of the Bible: "God."
Oh drat!
After this book went to press, I came to realize that chapters 3 – 6, “Why Should Anyone Believe the Bible?”, are poorly-named, as they do not contain biblical reasons for anyone to believe the Bible. Rather, they provide information you can use to refute reasons that skeptics give for not believing the Bible. Ultimately, the reasons that anyone comes to faith have nothing to do with evidence—it’s solely the work of the Holy Spirit opening eyes, unstopping ears, and replacing hearts of stone with hearts of flesh (1 Corinthians 2).
If you would like to learn more, please watch my presentation entitled “Why Should Anyone Believe the Bible?” In that 52-minute presentation, I explain in detail the problems I see with chapters 3 – 6, and I offer a straightforward, biblical answer to the question, “How do we know the Bible is true?”
“If you’ve ever wanted material to help train your children or if you’ve been searching for new curriculum to use in a Sunday school setting, you needn’t look any further.”
Book 2: Who is God?
Wait a minute! Who is this "God"? He shows up in the fourth word of the Bible completely unannounced and starts doing stuff. He doesn't try to prove his existence, but instead just shows up and starts talking about things existing–and they exist.
This is a primer on theology proper...
Table of Contents
- The Attributes of God, Part 1: Eternal, Omnipresent
- The Attributes of God, Part 2: Omniscient, Omnipotent, Immutable
- The Attributes of God, Part 3: Sovereign, Communicable Attributes
- The Trinity, Part 1: The "Is Nots"
- The Trinity, Part 2: The "Is's"
- The Trinity, Part 3: Why is the Deity of Jesus Such a Big Deal?
- The Holy Spirit is a Person
“In a culture that no longer loves Jesus, these books should be in the library of every Christian leader.”
Book 3: Practical Apologetics
In this book, I take the concepts taught in the first two books and apply them to real-world scenarios.
Table of Contents
- The Math of the Great Flood
- A Closer Look at Noah's Ark
- Does God Expect Us to Have Blind Faith?
- Refuting Common Resurrection Theories
- Answering the Kids' Questions
- Does God Want You to Be Happy?
- The Peccability of Jesus Christ
- Mormon Theology
- The Mormon God
- The Mormon Jesus
- Mormon Soteriology
- Jehovah's Witnesses and the Divinity of Christ, Part 1
- Jehovah's Witnesses and the Divinity of Christ, Part 2
- Taking a Jehovah's Witness Down the Relelation Road
- The Uniqueness of Christ
“Dan’s books are nowhere near as good as mine, but they’re still pretty good. You should read them.”