Apologetics Family
I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth. — III John 1:4
As Christian parents, we truly have no greater joy than to see our children walking with Jesus and standing strong on the Word of God. But do you and your children have the tools in your toolbox to know how to answer those who challenge you? We’ve been commanded to always be ready to have an answer for the hope that we have (1 Peter 3:15) and to contend, or fight for the faith that was handed to the saints (Jude 3), but many of us just don’t know what that looks like on a practical level.
“Our two oldest boys went to the minicamp in July and it was really, really great! I would highly recommend attending if your family or part of your family can make it.”
Prepare your family for the school year—and for life—by joining me at the scenic Peniel Ranch on the Columbia River in Okanogan, Washington for three days of fun, sun, good food, and great company to give reasonable answers to reasonable questions about the historic Christian Faith. I’ve been to Peniel Ranch many times over the years—it’s worth the drive!
Available topics
Actual lessons presented TBD. Suggestions and requests are certainly welcome—send them to me.
Why should we believe the Bible in the first place?
Creation Apologetics
The days of creation week: literal days or long ages?
Did God use the Big Bang?
Six reasons why millions of years cannot be true
The Person of Christ
What does it mean that Jesus Christ is God?
What does it mean that Jesus Christ is the Messiah?
How would you respond to the statement, "Jesus was a good man and a good teacher, but certainly not the Son of God"?
Christianity Compared
Compare and contrast the biblical view of Jesus with the Islamic view of Jesus.
Compare and contrast the Jesus of Mormonism with the Jesus of the Bible.
Are Mormons Christians?
What should I do when Mormons or Jehovah’s Witnesses come to my door?
What’s the correct response when science and the Bible appear to contradict each other?
Basic Itinerary
Thursday (9/26):
Supper @ 6pm
Session 7:15pm
Friday (9/27):
3 meals
3 sessions
Saturday (9/28):
2 meals (breakfast, lunch)
2 sessions
Sunday (9/29) [OPTIONAL]
breakfast, lunch
1 session
See https://www.penielranch.org/event/apologetics-family-camp for pricing.
Please see https://www.penielranch.org/directions for driving directions to the ranch—Google Maps has been known to be inaccurate, particularly if you are coming from Omak, WA.