Hosted by the International Society of Christian Apologetics.
The Problems With Distant Starlight
General Session #5: 1:30pm - 2:15pm
Many Christian laymen and apologists alike stumble over the what has been dubbed “the distant starlight problem,” citing it as a key obstacle to their acceptance of a young (i.e. ~6,000 year) creation.
In this presentation, I will take this difficult topic by the horns and demonstrate to non-technical audiences how the distant starlight problem is a double-edged sword that cuts both ways–against young- and old-earth creationists alike; it is not the proverbial nail in the young-earth coffin that many think it is.
(Mis)Understanding the Trinity
Workshop #3: 2:30pm - 3:15pm
The trinity is probably the single most difficult biblical doctrine to understand, and as a result it is often misunderstood by those outside the church as well as those inside. The Jehovah's Witnesses claim that the doctrine is of pagan origins, and well-meaning Sunday school teachers everywhere inadvertently lapse into idolatry as they use analogies to help their students understand God's nature.
In this presentation, I demonstrate the doctrine's origins from Scripture alone, poke holes in some of the more commonly-used trinitarian analogies, and offer my suggestions for how to help others understand this difficult teaching.