There are only two simple things needed for “an evening and a morning,” and they’re both presented to us in the first five verses of the Bible.
Read MoreContrary to what many think, “the gospel” is not John 3:16.
Read MoreWhen you run across a word in the Bible (or in the written word in general), how do you decide what that word means? In this session, we discuss a couple of the key rules of biblical hermeneutics (the art and science of proper biblical interpretation).
Read MoreI understand “I believe Jesus”—that means I agree that what He says is truth.
I understand “I believe in Jesus”—which is to say that I put my faith or trust in Him for the salvation of my soul.
But what does it mean to “believe in Jesus’ name”?
Read MoreThe desire of some to find a place to squeeze billions of years of earth history is strong. But, is there room for such time before Day Four?
Read MoreSkeptics love to throw this question out to stop Christians in their tracks. Do you have an answer ready?
Read MoreThose who believe in an “old” earth and those who believe in a “young” earth both live in the same physical world. and behold the same rocks and the same stars, but both obviously reach drastically different conclusions about the world they live in. Why? More often than not, it boils down to our presuppositions.
Read MoreA follow-up in the discussing that started with “Who Arrested Jesus?” My interlocutor asserts that it’s far more likely that Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Galilee (ancient Zebulun), than Bethlehem of Judea.
Read MoreA skeptic asks “Who arrested Jesus? Was it Roman soldiers, temple guards or temple guards, elders and Roman soldiers?” Do you know why he asked that?
Read MoreWhen attempting to answer the question about whether modern Bible translations are reliable or trustworthy, I think it's helpful to break "reliability" down into two subquestions:
"Has the Bible been transmitted faithfully in the past?", and
"Are modern Bibles translated correctly?"